Custom Commands Variables
Custom Commands Variables
Returns the mentioned user.
Returns the user's ID.
Returns the user's username.
Returns the user's discriminator.
Returns the user's username and discriminator.
Returns the user's nickname.
Returns the user's avatar.
Returns the date the user's account was created.
Returns the date the user join the server.
Returns the server's name.
Typical Utility Support
Returns the server's ID.
Returns the server's icon.
Returns the amount of users in the server.
Returns the server owner's user ID.
Returns the date the server was created.
Returns the server's verification level.
Returns the region the server is in.
Returns the current channel ID.
Returns the current channel name.
Returns the current channel mentioned.
Returns the current channel type.
Returns current 12 hour time in unix timestamp.
10:23 AM
Returns current 12 hour time in unix timestamp including seconds.
10:23:02 AM
Returns current date in numbers in unix timestamp.
Returns current date in unix timestamp.
December 6, 2022
Returns current date and time in unix timestamp.
December 6, 2022 10:23 AM
Returns current day, date, and time in unix timestamp.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10:23 AM
Returns how long ago a message was sent in unix timestamp.
2 seconds ago
Only allows specific users to use the command.
{onlyusers:TypicalxJudan;You can't use this command}
Only allows users with specific roles to use the command.
{onlyroles:Staff;You can't use this command}
Only allows the command to be used in specific channels.
{onlychannels:849842348488785953;You can't use this command here}
Ignores the command from being used in specific channels.
{ignorechannels:849842348488785953;You can't use this command here}
Ignores the command from being used from users with specific roles.
{ignoreroles:849842348488785953;You can't use this command, your roles are ignored}
Adds thumbnail image to the embed.
Returns the author of the embed.
{author:Typical Utility}
Adds author icon image to the embed.
Returns the author of the embed as a hyperlink.
Returns the title of the embed.
{title:Typical Utility}
Returns the title of the embed as a hyperlink.
Returns the description of the embed.
{description:Typical Utility}
Returns the field in the description of the embed.
{field:Title;This is my description}
Returns the footer of the embed.
{footer:Typical Utility}
Adds footer icon image to the embed.
Adds banner image to the embed.
Adds color to the border of the embed.
Adds current timestamp to the embed.
Pings @everyone.
Pings @here.
Returns the server's current prefix for Typical Utility.
Reply's to the user's command trigger.
Deletes the user's command trigger.
Deletes the bot's command response after an amount of time.
{deletein:30s} This message will be deleted in 30 seconds
DM's the bot's response to the user.
{dm} This is a DM from Typical Utility
DM's the bot's response to a specific user.
{dm:756539590088851596} This is a DM from TypicalxJudan
Sends the bot's response to a specific channel.
{sendchannel:849842348488785953} This message was triggered from another channel
Adds emoji reaction(s) to the bot's response.
{react:đ;đ} Click the emoji's below
Adds a cooldown with number of seconds a user must wait to use the command again.
{cooldown:30s;Wait %time% to use this command again!}
Adds a server-wide cooldown with number of seconds all users must wait to use the command again.
{server.cooldown:30s;Wait %time% for everyone in the server to use this command again!}
Picks a random number 1-10.
Currently, if you use new lines in a command response on Discord, the command will not pick up the new lines, instead, it'll combine the lines together. If you'd like to add new lines to a command response, use this invisible space:ã ¤
Last updated
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