

t!captchaverify <on/off>

Enable/disable captcha verification in your server.

t!captchaverify on

t!setverifychannel <#channel>

Set the verification channel for where unverified users will verify.

t!setverifychannel #verify

t!setverifiedrole <@role>

Set a role verified users will have after verification.

t!setverifiedrole @Verified

t!setunverifiedrole <@role>

Set a role unverified users will have when joining the server.

t!setunverifiedrole @Unverified

t!delayautorole <on/off>

Delay the autorole from being given to users until after verification.

t!delayautorole on

t!setverifytitle <message>

Set the title for the verification message.

t!setverifytitle Verification

t!setverifydesc <message>

Set the description for the verification message.

t!setverifydesc Click the button to verify!

t!setverifythumbnail <link>

Set the thumbnail image for the verification message.

t!setverifyfooter <message>

Set the footer for the verification message.

t!setverifyfooter Click the button to verify!

t!setverifycolor <#color>

Set the embed color for the captcha verification message.

t!setverifycolor 0018FF


Send the captcha verification message to the verify channel.


t!buttonverify <on/off>

Enable/disable button verification in your server.

t!buttonverify on

t!setbuttonchannel <#channel>

Set the button verification channel for where unverified users will verify.

t!setbuttonchannel #verify

t!setbuttoncolor <#color>

Set the embed color for the button verification message.

t!setbuttoncolor 0018FF


Send the button verification message to the verify channel.


Last updated