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t!setwelcomechannel <#channel>
Set a welcome channel for where users join.
t!setwelcomechannel #welcome
t!setwelcomemsg <message>
Set a message for when a user joins the server.
t!setwelcomemsg Hey $username, welcome to $serverName[$guildID]! We now have $membersCount members!
t!setwelcomecard <on/off>
Enable or disable the welcome card in the welcome message.
t!setwelcomecard on
t!setwelcomebg <link>
Set an image background for the welcome message.
t!setwelcomecolor <#color>
Set an embed color for the welcome message.
t!setwelcomecolor #0018FF
t!welcomemention <on/off>
Set if users should be mentioned in the welcome message.
t!welcomemention on
t!autorole <@role>
Automatically gives users a role when they join.
t!autorole @Member
t!setleavechannel <#channel>
Set a leave channel for where users leave.
t!setleavechannel #goodbye
t!setleavemsg <message>
Set a message for when a user leaves the server.
t!setleavemsg $username#$discriminator[] has left the server!
t!setleavecard <on/off>
Enable or disable the leave card in the leave message.
t!setleavecard on
t!setleavebg <link>
Set an image background for the leave message.
t!setleavecolor <#color>
Set an embed color for the leave message.
t!setleavecolor #0018FF